You can receive your bank statements and notices right away! Don't wait around for your statement to show up in the mail. Each month you can hop online to view your statements and notices from the comfort of your desk, kitchen table, couch, or wherever you might be. You can view, download, and print an electronic version of your statement that looks exactly like the statements you'd receive by mail!
Check out the benefits!
- Convenient. Review your statements and reconcile online at any time - day or night.
- Fast. eStatements can be accessed days before a paper statement would arrive in the mail.
- Efficient. eStatements contain the same information as a traditional paper statement.
- Secure. Reduce the risk of statements being lost or stolen in the mail.
- Safe. Your eStatement is protected by the latest security measures.
- Environmentally Friendly. Stay clutter free conserve paper by accessing your statement online.
- Free! There is no fee for eStatements.
To sign up for eStatements and eNotices, login to your Online Banking account and click View Statements under the Account Summary Options (found on the right-hand side of the page). Then complete the registration process to sign up today. When a statement or notice is ready, you will receive an email notifying you that your statement can be viewed.
If you are not an Online Banking customer, but you are interested in signing up for eStatements, please complete the Online Enrollment Form for Online Banking.